Report a violation

You can report a violation by filling out the form and sending it by e-mail.

The Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as the Law) establishes the protection mechanism for persons who have submitted information about a violation in an institution with which they are connected or were connected by service or employment relations or contractual relations. The law also establishes the rights and obligations of persons who report violations in institutions, the bases and forms of their legal protection, as well as the means of protection, promotion and assistance of these persons, in order to create adequate opportunities to report violations of the law that threaten or violate the public interest, to ensure prevention and disclosure of such violations.

Information about a violation can be submitted to the Lithuanian Maritime Museum by a person who is or was linked to the Lithuanian Maritime Museum by employment or contractual relations (consulting, contract, internship, practice, volunteering, etc.) and who provides information about the violation to the Lithuanian Maritime Museum.

Violation – a criminal act, administrative misconduct, official misconduct or violation of work duties, as well as gross violation of mandatory norms of professional ethics or other violation of the law posing a threat to the public interest or violating it, about which the person providing information learns about the violation from the service, work or contractual relations he has or should have with the Lithuanian Maritime Museum.

According to the Law, information about violations is provided for:

  1. danger to public safety or health, personal life or health;
  2. environmental hazards;
  3. obstructing or unlawfully influencing investigations conducted by law enforcement authorities or courts in the administration of justice;
  4. financing of illegal activities;
  5. illegal or non-transparent use of public funds or assets;
  6. illegally acquired property;
  7. concealing the consequences of the committed violation, preventing the determination of the extent of the consequences;
  8. other violations.

It should be noted that information on violations is provided to protect the public interest. Providing information for the purpose of defending exclusively personal interests is not considered a notification.

A person can submit information about a violation to the Lithuanian Maritime Museum in the following ways:

- Through the internal channel of providing information about violations at the Lithuanian Maritime Museum (send information about the violation to the e-mail address
We recommend providing information about the violation by filling out this notification form about the violation. Information about a violation can also be submitted in a free-form notification, but it must state that the information about the violation is provided in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers and the following information must be provided: who, when, in what way and what kind of violation committed, is doing or is preparing to commit, etc. .; the date and circumstances of becoming aware of the violation; name, surname, personal identification number, workplace, other contact details of the person reporting the violation; if possible, any available documents, data or information revealing signs of a possible violation are provided.
We would like to inform you that after submitting information about a violation in accordance with this form or submitting a free-form notification stating that information about a violation is provided in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers, the information about the violation will be transferred to the competent authority (Prosecution Office of the Republic of Lithuania) within 2 working days.

- Directly to the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Lithuania
in accordance with the procedure set out in the description of the procedure for submitting reports on violations in institutions
to the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Lithuania. A person may apply for a violation directly to the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Lithuania when there is at least one of the following circumstances: the violation is of fundamental importance to the public interest; it is necessary to prevent or terminate the violation as soon as possible, as significant damage may occur; the persons in charge, associated with the institution through work or service or contractual relations may themselves commit or have committed violations; a breach was reported through the internal breach reporting channel, but no response was received or no action was taken in response to the information provided, or the measures taken were ineffective; there is reason to believe that when information about a violation is submitted through the internal channel for reporting violations, the anonymity of the reporter or the confidentiality of the person may not be ensured or an attempt will be made to conceal the reported violation; the institution does not have a functioning internal channel for reporting violations; the person cannot use the internal channel of providing information about violations, because he is no longer connected to the institution by work, service or other legal relations.

- To
the public Information about a violation may be provided to the public in order to report an imminent danger to human life, public health or the environment, when in order to prevent such a threat it is necessary to take urgent action and due to lack of time there are no opportunities to report the violation in other ways or after reporting the violation in other ways the necessary action was not taken in time.